Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

Resital Piano by Iravati M.Sudiarso

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011, pkl. 20.00 WIB | Saturday, January 22, 2011 – 8 p.m.
Iravati M. Sudiarso

Iravati M. Sudiarso, penerima anugerah penghargaan MURI pada tahun 2008 sebagai Empu Pianis Indonesia, lahir di Surabaya dan mulai belajar musik sejak usia 5 tahun. Pada tahun 1963 terpilih untuk tampil sebagai pianis Asia pertama untuk menjadi solis bersama New York Philharmonic Orchestra dalam acara peresmian Lincoln Center for The Performing Arts. Beliau menerima banyak penghargaan baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Saat ini beliau adalah Direktur Utama Sekolah Musik Yayasan Pendidikan Musik.

Iravati M. Sudiarso, has received an award from MURI (Indonesian Record Museum) in 2008 as Indonesian Pianist Maestro, was born in Surabaya and has started to learn music since she was 5. In 1963, she was chosen as the first Asian pianist as soloist with New York Philharmonic Orchestra at the opening of Lincoln Centre for the Performing Arts. She has received various awards both locally and internationally. At present, she is the Director of ‘Yayasan Pendidikan Musik’ Music School.


Joseph Haydn                                                       Variationen in F - minor
1732 – 1809                                                            - andante

Dmitri Kabalevsky                                                 Sonata no.3 op.46
1904 – 1987                                                            -  Allegro con moto
-  Andante cantabile
-  Allegro giocoso
                  ISTIRAHAT - INTERMISSION

In memoriam
Amir Pasaribu                                                        Indyhiang
1915 – 2010                                                            - moderato

                                                                                Sriwijaya – thema & variations
                                                                                Adagio contemplative – Allegro moderato, Andantino,
                                                                                Allegro eroica – Adagio molto – Allegro di kroncong-

Frederic Chopin                                                    Grande Valse Brillante op.34 no.2
1810  – 1849                                                    - lento

Nocturne op. posthume C# - Minor

                                                                                Nocturne op.27 no.1


Tiket:Rp 75.000,- , Rp 50.000,- (balkon)

Gedung Kesenian Jakarta - Roelly: 3808283, 3441892
YPM Bintaro - Ibu Lusi/ Budi : 7350374
YPM Manggarai – Deny : 8292469

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