Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Piano Recital Christian Leotta (Italy)

Senin, 11 Februari 2013, pkl. 20.00 WIB  | Monday, February 11, 2013 – 8 p.m.

Under the Patronage of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Italian Institute of Culture Jakarta in collaboration with Gedung Kesenian Jakarta
proudly present

Piano Recital
Christian Leotta

Christian Leotta berasal dari Catania, Italia, dan sekarang tinggal di Como. Ia belajar dengan Mario Patuzzi di Konservatori Milan, juga di Yayasan Piano Internasional Theo Lieven di Lake Como, serta Yayasan Penelitian Tureck Bach di Oxford, Inggris.  Ketika tampil di Montreal tahun 2002, saat berusia 22 tahun, Christian Leotta merupakan pianis termuda sejak Daniel Barenboim yang pernah melakukan serangkaian resital meliputi seluruh korpus 36 Sonata Piano Beethoven. Tahun 2004, beliau dianugerahi Medali Presiden oleh  Presiden Republik Italia saat itu Yang Mulia Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.

Christian Leotta is a native of Catania, Italy, and now lives in Como. He studied with Mario Patuzzi at Milan’s Conservatory, at the “Theo Lieven International Piano Foundation” on Lake Como and at the “Tureck Bach Research Foundation” of Oxford, England.Appearing in Montreal in 2002, at the age of only 22, Christian Leotta is the youngest pianist since the youthful Daniel Barenboim ever to undertake a recital series encompassing the entire corpus of Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas. In 2004, the President of the Italian Republic, Hon. Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, awarded him in 2004 with the prestigious President's Medal.

“The Three Manners of Ludwig van Beethoven and the Art of the Sonata Form”

 Piano Sonata No. 10 in G major, Op.14 No. 2

Scherzo. Allegro assai

Piano Sonata No. 21 in C major, Op. 53, “Waldstein”

Allegro con brio
Introduzione. Adagio molto
Rondo. Allegretto moderato 

Piano Sonata No. 19 in G minor, Op. 49 No. 1 “Leichte Sonate”

Rondo. Allegro

Piano Sonata No. 29 in B-flat Op. 106, “Hammerklavier”

Scherzo. Assai vivace
Adagio  sostenuto. Appassionato e con molto sentimento
Largo - Allegro risoluto

Tiket: Rp 100.000,-  dan Rp 75.000,-
Informasi dan pemesanan tiket:
Gedung Kesenian Jakarta : Roelly 021 – 3441892, sms:085715911169, email: tiket@gedungkesenianjakarta.co.id


Terimakasih atas perhatian para penonton untuk:
·         Membeli  dan Memesan tiket pertunjukan pada hari Selasa sampai Sabtu, Pukul 10.00 – 16.00 wib
·         Mengambil tiket yang sudah dipesan  paling lambat 2 hari sebelum hari pertunjukan.
·         Hadir  30 menit sebelum pertunjukan dimulai.
·         Berpakaian Resmi atau Batik.
·         Tidak membawa makanan dan minuman ke dalam auditorium. Makan dan Minum diperkenankan hanya di area Foyer kiri dan kanan.
·         Tidak mendokumentasikan pementasan dengan alat elektronik apapun (kamera, kamera video, kamera HP, dll).
Thank you for the Attention of the Audiences for:
·         Buy  & Reserve the ticket on Tuesday-Saturday at 10.00 a.m. - 04.00 p.m.
·         Pick up the reserved ticket at least 2 days before the show date. 
·         Kindly present 30 minutes before the show.
·         Kindly dress Formally or Batik.
·      Not to bring any Food and Beverages into the Auditorium. Eating & Drinking are allowed only at the Foyers (left & right) area.
·   Not to take any recording with any electronic device (camera, video camera, cellular camera, etc).


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