Rabu, 27 November 2013

Festival Musik Gedung Kesenian Jakarta - SOL PROJECT “LA MUSICA MAAK NYOOOSS…”

Jumat, 6 Desember 2013, pkl 20.00 WIB | Friday, December 6, 2013 – 8.00 p.m.


Rudy Octave piano, arranger, lyrics
Wilson Novoa vocal, arranger, composer

Dua orang musisi asal Indonesia dan Colombia yang menyatukan visinya untuk menggabungkan budaya etnik dan pop Indonesia dengan Amerika Latin, khususnya Colombia. Sebuah konser kolaborasi musik Indonesia dan Amerika Latin, menampilkan tarian salsa campur tarian jaipongan, perkusi Amerika Selatan bercampur musik tradisional Indonesia, dan ragam nyanyian Amerika Selatan bercampur lantun Bali, Aceh, Nusa Tenggara dan daerah lainnya di nusantara serta suara emas pesinden.
Sol Project beranggotakan Wilson Novoa asal Colombia dan Rudy Octave asal Indonesia. Pada tahun 2008 lewat album pertama SOL PROJECT yang bertitel Indonesian Latino Grooves menjadi nominator AMI Award (Anugrah Musik Indonesia) untuk katagori artis dan produser terbaik dari katagori World Music di Jakarta, dan di tahun 2010 album “Dua Dunia”,  Sol Project juga menjadi nominator AMI Award untuk katagori album terbaik katagori World Music. 

Two musicians from Indonesia and Colombia, who unite their vision to combine Indonesian ethnic and pop culture with the Latin American’s, especially the one from Colombia. It is a collaboration of Indonesian and Latin American music, presenting salsa dance mixed with Jaipongan dance, a South American percussion mixed with Indonesian traditional music, and many kind of South American songs mixed with songs from Bali, Aceh, Nusa Tenggara and other places in the archipelago, with a golden voice of a traditional Javanese singer. 
SOL PROJECT is consist of Wilson Novoa (Colombia) and Rudy Octave (Indonesia). Their first album ‘Indonesia Latino Grooves’ has been nominated as Best Artist and Producer for category World Music in AMI Award 2008. And in 2010, their album ‘Dua Dunia’ has been also nominated as Best album in the same category. In every performance, Sol Project always brings different concept. In one occasion, they perform a fusion of songs from Batak, Bali and Betawi, while in other occasion they play legendary songs from archipelago with latin nuances. They even has played gamelan with piano voice, and Betawi arts performance in Festival Dell’Oriente, Carrara - Italy (2011). In his concert in 2012, SOL Project has presented a koplo music (Sundanese pop music) with latin nuances.

Tiket: Rp 100.000,- & Rp 75.000,-

Gedung Kesenian Jakarta
Informasi & Pemesanan Tiket:
Gedung Kesenian Jakarta - Roelly:
Phone: 021- 3441892, sms only: 085715911169
Fax: 3810924
Terimakasih atas perhatian para penonton untuk:
·          Membeli  dan Memesan tiket pertunjukan pada hari Selasa sampai Sabtu, Pukul 10.00 – 16.00 wib
·          Mengambil tiket yang sudah dipesan  paling lambat 2 hari sebelum hari pertunjukan.
·          Hadir  30 menit sebelum pertunjukan dimulai.
·          Berpakaian Resmi atau Batik.
·          Tidak membawa makanan dan minuman ke dalam auditorium. Makan dan Minum diperkenankan hanya di area Foyer kiri dan kanan.
·          Tidak mendokumentasikan pementasan dengan alat elektronik apapun (kamera, kamera video, kamera HP, dll).
Thank you for the Attention of the Audiences for:
·          Buy  & Reserve the ticket on Tuesday-Saturday at 10.00 a.m. - 04.00 p.m.
·          Pick up the reserved ticket at least 2 days before the show date.  
·          Kindly present 30 minutes before the show.
·          Kindly dress Formally or Batik.
·          Not to bring any Food and Beverages into the Auditorium. Eating & Drinking are allowed only at the Foyers (left & right) area.
·          Not to take any recording with any electronic device (camera, video camera, cellular camera, etc).


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